Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25 2024

It's crazy how you can go from feeling great one day to feeling like utter crap the next. I had the worst head cold mid-April! This was the sickest I've been since I had Covid back in 2022. I had an allergic reaction to the cold medication I was taking, my eyes swelled shut, I had various multi-colored substances leaking out of my head, and I made the most unholy noises.....IT WAS HORRIBLE!

The first sketch was a method I found on Reddit for draining blocked-up sinuses. It works so you gotta have tissue ready to go when the mucus starts to flow!

The second sketch was how I slept for almost a week. When I laid flat, the post-nasal drip caused me to cough so propping myself up with couch cushions was the only was I could get any shut eye.

I do not recommend getting sick. Definite 0/10 experience.